Looking Forward

For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. Heb 13:14 NLT

Monday, April 13, 2009

Looking Forward or Going Back?

I started this blog and called it Looking Forward. I did so with the thought that I was moving forward in my life, faith and all the little things in life that fall to the wayside each day.

I followed my heart and listened to the comforter within when God placed it upon me that it was indeed time to move from one church to the church I go to now. The holy spirit within me kept tugging at my heart that held the love I have for God and convicting me to make that change. You would have thought that as much as I was being convicted of this the move would be simple and quick. It was far from both. Simple it wasn't as I am not the priest of the house who is to lead us. I sure did give him a run for the position tho, I'm sure he would also agree. It helped that God's timing is ALWAYS perfect. See I tried for many years to make the switch and God showed me that it was better Caught then Taught.....and having hubby on bed rest after back surgery for 4 months. :-) It was during this time that God could slow hubby's mind enough so that he could receive the message God was waiting to share with us as a family to prepare us for the job that was to come. See if we had our way things would have been done yesterday, but they wouldn't have been done right. Looking back now I would have never thought that this day would ever arrive. I kept jumping the gun and in my own way tried to hurry things along which only brought strife. I was trying to teach while God was showing us how to catch it. Once you catch it, see it first hand, witness to others, and pass it on by example will you ever be able to really grasp the depth of devotion and love that God truly has for us if we just allow Him to do things in His time and trust that what we may not understand God has planned it all out long ago and knows what the end result will be. I am not God but I can relate to being the parent trying to teach, by doing this I need to allow steps to be taken in order for one to fully understand. To do it myself will never allow one to understand the concept of what was being taught.

In my growth which I feel is slower then molasses at times and wonder why after the fact that some things took way longer now that I have caught on to it do I then realize that the plan was for me to be able to be as patient as God was for me during my growth.

See Jesus says in the book of John, if you LOVE me you will keep my commandments. Surely I loved Jesus, I mean I was going to church and all. I fulfilled that command. RIGHT? Not even close. I was missing the biggest picture within the whole picture. I thought I had it all covered. I was like that man who asked Jesus what it would take for me to be able to enter into the kingdom...I think I would have given the same answers too. How awesome that God knows ME so well that had it written down many years before hand that same question and answer that I had. Right there it was written just for me. Yep God and I are hanging....see we have that relationship going on. To have a relationship one must be able to speak and be heard, AND listen when spoken to. I have that. I can pray and ask God for guidance and seek Him, and He told me that EVERY TIME I seek Him, He will answer. Now the question is do I listen for Him or do I jump the gun and take things into my own hands? To be honest, I am still learning how to be patient. God sure is doing a doozy on me while He shows me patients. Just when I think I got it all figured out, wham I am humbled again. There is nothing more then feeling so LOVED by the one who thinks your worth that extra minute or day to grasp whats being taught. I could not imagine not having that comfort and feeling like I was unworthy and was swept under the rug. God can carry us but do you really want Him to or would you rather have Him take time with you one on one and show you how to walk? I need that connection. Whether it be my walk with God or talking to you face to face. I need eye contact not just for me but for you to know that you are that important to me that I care what you have to say and do. God gives us that same attention....sometimes we look away.

I went to the blog of my old church and a blog that I have shared with you in the past at OWM called The In Tents Life What a name huh. :-) I tell you what, satan sure can take good things and twist them to unknown products. The sad thing being that satan is so smooth that even the wisest can be fooled and take sides instead of turning to God and telling satan to get behind thee. Jesus told us that He has flock in many folds and that when He calls they will come out. I seen this here as well. One divided into two. One thinking that they know Him and yet can't see growth because they want to do things their way and in their time....leading those who know no better down this path confusing them with this and that. Some of them are feeling the convictions that God has place upon them and they are seeking and sometimes getting so close that satan can quickly and quietly come in and whisper lies and untruth through people who once seemed to be on the right path making those who follow second guess instead of asking God themselves to help guide them to safety. The break off of the one that is now two is listening and seeking Gods help each and every day. They are not perfect but one does not want perfect for perfect no longer need help and will once again rely on themselves. Oh this viscous cycle that we get into. How could we have missed it? How can we fix it? Give it to God in prayer and let God do His work in His time which has shown us many times over that His time works far quicker then our time because He has the patients to teach us whereas we want perfection now.

Perfection is when you no longer need help and you turn from God, to your own self who is now set above those who are around us. I pray that we..you and I never become that self proclaimed but we daily humble ourselves and ask God to be with us....to walk with us each and every day.

Look forward. Move forward. God wants us by His side as He teaches us by example. Let us Catch on to what God wants of us. Let God teach and preach, Hes WAY better at it don't ya think?

I'm gonna post this to the OWM blog so that we all can be blessed by this.

I LOVE you guys!



  1. Looking Forward is the perfect name for your blog, Deb...

  2. Thank You Babe! :-)

    I look forward to you guys spending the night again soon too. :-)

    AND Sabbath Lunch together.

    Love ya sweetie!
