Looking Forward

For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. Heb 13:14 NLT

Friday, February 27, 2009

Preparing for Sabbath

I wait until the last minute to do anything and thats not good. Why put off for later when you can do it now is what hubby would say. I'm not hubby. I was asked to do him a favor and write a letter to the Gov or someone like that....I was paying attention but not. I'm sure you have done this too. He made it sound like it HAD to be done today when I know its not going to hurt to wait until Monday. I reminded him today was preparation day which then he offered to help clean....when? :-) That's why the letter will wait.

I have made a lemon cheesecake, garbanzo bean salad, ginger ale fruit salad along with buying white grape juice to add to Mindy's and Meg's awesome meal that were having Sabbath afternoon. Other then looking forward to Christ return for us I so look forward to these afternoons spent with family...and not because they cook sooooo good but because you can't find better friends. I love them to pieces.

I pray each of you have a blessed weekend.

Love ya,
