Looking Forward

For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. Heb 13:14 NLT

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Life is give and take

To be born, life was given, and for the one above it was known before the womb. What comes about, is by choice. The choices we make daily concisely or not will mold us into a replica of our surroundings. For some that will be a scary thought. Will it be fair tho given they knew nothing more then what was in front of them? Will we look at them differently for we only see the surface? Do we make excuses for our own because we know the truth? Is it really truth? If we knew truth from fiction then wasn't it our choice? Sometimes I wonder if I let fiction flow through my veins in order to compare one from another. Surely my utopia or would it be heterotopia is far better then the next. How is mine any different then the one above, don't we both love to the deepest part one can love. Don't we both give. Don't we both take too. Don't we both want more. We give and take daily. We do this without thinking, you never have to second guess us. The one above does this out of love, I do this out of want. I want to do more. Love more. Speak more. FEEL more.

To be able to feel I must step out and look. If I never look how will I ever see. Life has got to flow through my veins in order for me to have empathy, sympathy and compassion. Emotions come from above. God instilled this, I need to continue to keep it active. It's my choice. I do this in order to live, one day at a time and with God above at the center of it all.

One day I will have it all, the difference being my all and His all are not the same. I keep looking back and He see's the future. When will I learn that I have always had it all but chose to always second guess things that You put into place.

I pray daily for wisdom and for visions. I stay in Your word, searching and finding answers. I look and LIVE in the word. I am daily making myself into a replica of Jesus, with God's help I will be just that.

Love you!


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